Can Scoliosis affect running?
Many people have Scoliosis, a curvature of the spine. Often, it is a genetic condition that presents itself with a variety of symptoms, everything from pain to limited motion can be an indication of Scoliosis. In most cases, Scoliosis treatment for mild cases does not require a brace. However, in women, the condition can be degenerative as they get older. Even so, this unusual curvature of the spine does not have to stop you from running or jogging. What is Scoliosis? Scoliosis has an unknown origin, but most medical experts believe that genetics plays a critical role in the condition. When someone has Scoliosis it causes either a lateral curve which is a c-shape or two lateral curves that make an s-shape. The spine also has a rotation to it in people who suffer from this. These curves in the spine seem to appear while very young, but the condition worsens with age. So people who had no symptoms may experience symptoms later in life. In more severe cases, doctors often use some ty...