Ballet And Scoliosis
Experiencing scoliosis as a ballet dancer can make it difficult to conduct camber or arabesque movements without causing so much pain in the back. If you currently have scoliosis, then you are aware of the nagging discomfort that can occur. Being able to strengthen your core with conditioning can easily provide more support to the individual’s spine while lowering the pain. Although the curvature is not the most comfortable condition to have, implementing a good physical therapy routine will allow you to get back to enjoying life again.
Unfortunately, it can be congenital, or can occur while children are growing up. The best way to know if your child develops it is by having their spine checked as they grow. Checking as early as possible and detecting it can also make it easier to reverse.
Unfortunately, if it goes undetected, an abnormal curve in the spine may develop. If it gets unmanageable, then surgery may be required in order to fuse the spine.
Early detection is key when it comes to prevention and when it is, physiotherapy will then be able to help strengthen the back in order to help keep the spine healthy.
Is Scoliosis Treatment Necessary for Everyone
As kids grow and the risk of the debilitating disease increases, every child that is having the slightest signs of a curve needs to be monitored or have treatment started and maintained until they have reached full growth.
Available Scoliosis Treatment Options
To treat it properly, the use of certain exercises must be used. These exercises include SideShift, Schroth, Dobomed, and SEAS and all work great when you combine techniques such as Soft Tissue Release.
Will the Curvature Gradually Become Severe
A lot of times it may become severe gradually as the child grows. Because of this it must be monitored if it is suspected. A moderate amount of curvature may also become severe as the person gets older, but usually this is due to the type of active life that is lived. With degenerative conditions happening, a continuation may occur.
What Should a Parent do if Curvature is Present in their Child
Every parent fears that their child may develop curvature in their spine, but if it is unavoidable then a visit to a specialist will be necessary in order to have your child diagnosed properly. This will likely include having an x-ray taken of the spine. A consultation with physiotherapists in Singapore will also likely occur so that therapy methods can be determined for use. Bracing may also be conducted so that the bones can grow properly while maturing. Bracing will help eliminate the curvature so that the spine can grow normally.
Will Ballet Training Be Altered because of it
The dancer’s body asymmetry could cause some problems with a training session. Movements may be unequal, making the person capable of lifting one limb higher than the other. Because of the spine falling to a side, an individual may also have difficulty staying erect unlike someone with a healthy posture.
Can Ballet and Scoliosis Continue if a Person Has Been Diagnosed with it
Ballet and scoliosis dance can still continue no matter if the person has scoliosis or not. In fact, any type of activity is recommended all throughout the child’s growth years. As a person performs ballet, they conduct a lot of stability and elongation movement. This type of activity is known to assist in managing curvature effects. When physiotherapy is mixed in, it is able to improve in multiple ways as stability is being maintained within the person’s spine.
Is Curvature able to Affect Different Life Functions
The main outcome of having spinal curvature is the poor posture and the body’s asymmetry. However, when scoliosis gets worse over time, more changes become visible. These changes involve the shoulders, waist, and hips as they become altered. Feeling self-conscious will also occur if spinal curvature is involved.
Daily life can be affected in the way a person exercises, walks, and lifts as it may become more limited. Balance may become problematic, but a lot later down the road as it becomes severe.
Because of the spines deformity, it is possible that individuals could begin having heart and breathing difficulties due to ribs poking within the chest. Although these problems are rare, they still have the potential to show up.
He exercises that are used by the physiotherapist are intended to build strength in the back muscles supporting the spine, which allows the body to stand erect. This also eliminates any possible development, lowers pain, and boosts overall appearance.
Should You Restrict Activity if you have Scoliosis
When you have the right mix of exercises, stability, and tough core, then you are able to conduct any type of activity.
Research has shown that some styles of dance may be worse than others. But that does not mean the dance should be avoided or restricted. It is only suggested that while performing the dance, the spine needs to be observed and monitored so that any abnormalities can be noted before they get worse later and have therapy come in and help with strengthening the area. The fact of the matter is that developing spinal curvature will occur whether dance is conducted or not.
Performing any type of dance such as ballet is always good for the body and many benefits can be obtained if completed correctly.
Therapies that are designed specifically for ballet dancers
There are therapies available that center around controlling spine curvature. The main method used was developed in Germany and is known as the Schroth, which concentrates on the spine’s curve, and is able to help ballet and scoliosis dancers to keep their curvature in check. On the other hand, practicing Iyengar Yoga is able to relieve symptoms that most adults experience. When using Iyengar, it will concentrate on aligning the spin as well as incorporating objects that will help posture and maintain asymmetry of the entire body.
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