Lifting Weights with Scoliosis
When you have a specific condition, you may be assumed to stay in bed the whole day without doing anything in particular. Now, what if you are diagnosed with scoliosis? That is a sideways curvature of the spine, which mostly grows before you get to puberty. The spine is a vital organ of the body. Some patients who get spine complications may not even walk, talk, or eat properly. Some even fail to relate to people socially.
Scoliosis can result from muscular dystrophy or cerebral palsy; either way, some cases have unknown originality. Patients who have scoliosis may experience mild or few symptoms while others experience a lot of pain and even disabling. Treatment may not be necessary in most cases. You may even recommend a brace or surgery if necessary.
Lifting weights with scoliosis may sound impossible; however, it is a good spine exercise. It is very beneficial to lift heavy weights because it strengthens the back muscles. Moreover, it improves the appearance of curvature. However, muscles around the spine may prevent the curve from getting worse.
Tips for Lifting With Scoliosis
Weight lifting can be made to be a sort of exercise. Alternatively, it can also be a way of moving heavy materials on the way. Weight lifting as an exercise is useful for developing your body strength and helps in increasing the size of skeletal muscles. Weight lifting uses the force of gravity as a form in weighted bars. The exercise of weight lifting helps the spine in being active and therefore leads to a quick recovery.
Here Are Some of the Tips on Lifting Weights with Scoliosis:
- Get Lift Weight Coach
This exercise may sound easy. However, with a condition like scoliosis, you need a coach to guide you. A valuable coach who is well trained and experienced will show you the best techniques to follow.
- Vigilance in Technique and Form
Lifting weights is nuanced and intricate. Even the very experienced lifters have to go back to their notes to be perfect in their form. The back of a scoliosis patient is fragile, and therefore it’s advisable to work on the form and technique by lifting the smaller gadget before going for the massive devices.
- Take a Video when you are working with weights
As much as you may be having a coach, it is advisable to take a video when you are lifting weights. It will help you know if you are improving or not. Additionally, you will use it when the coach is not around. Moreover, you will be able to see the issues in technique and form.
- Recognize the difference between pain and muscle soreness
There is the usual pain that scoliosis patients experience. However, it should be distinguished from muscle soreness. As you progress in working with weights, the overload that strengthens muscles may cause discomfort and soreness in your muscles. But it should not last more than a day or two. Prolonged pain will need medical attention.
- Have the Mentality That Nothing Can Change a Curvature
As much as you do exercises, none of them will make the spine more robust, and neither will chiropractic sessions or postural training will correct a curvature. Alternatively, you can hope a stave off the curve from worsening and reducing back pain.
Scoliosis patients can still work with weights as a form of exercise. However, it may not change the curve on the spine. It would help if you, therefore, went through the treatment options.
Scoliosis Treatment Options
Scoliosis treatment is made possible through the options of surgery, observation, and bracing. There are different levels of scoliosis. The doctor will recommend the best treatment option based on your level of scoliosis and the physical maturity of the patient. Those are the features that will determine the best scoliosis treatment.
Scoliosis is a deformity in the spine that may result in having a C-shaped curve or an S-shaped curvature on both curves. Therefore the treatment will depend on the type of curve that is on the spine. Moreover, three types of scoliosis are determined by when it developed. One of them is infantile, which occurs between birth and at the age of three years. The second is juvenile scoliosis, which develops between four and nine years. Adolescent scoliosis occurs between ten years up to when growth is complete. Adults can also experience residuals of childhood scoliosis. Therefore, it would be best if you considered seeing a doctor so that the doctor can determine which the best treatment is for your age.
A 28o curve in a twelve-year-old child will recommend a brace. General curves of about 20O will recommend treatment and observation. Curves that get to 50o and above will recommend surgery. It is best to discover the best scoliosis treatment before partaking in it.
Recognized Scoliosis Athletes
Did you know that there are scoliosis athletes in the World? These people have become a legend in the World of athletics as they have gone against the ordinary to deliver extraordinary results. Some of these scoliosis athletes include Usain Bolt, Tracy McGrady, Emelia Gorecka, Natalie Coughlin, and Jessica Ashwood. These athletes are good role models to those patients who would like to do weight lifting, among other modes of exercise.
Physiotherapists in Singapore
Physiotherapy is the physical treatment of injuries, disorders, and diseases with the help of a physiotherapist. Physiotherapy includes massage, exercise, manipulation along with other treatments that do not involve surgery and medication. The physiotherapist in Singapore is well specialized for scoliosis, especially in children. They will offer you professional treatment and opinion on the condition.
Scoliosis is a condition that cannot be prevented. However, it can be treated, and with the help of lifting weights, among other forms of exercise, it will help exercise the spine. The spine is a vital organ because it holds up different parts of the body. It is best to seek medical attention as soon as the condition is realized. Scoliosis may be treated better at a younger age before the patient becomes a grown adult because the curve will also grow to be bigger and more painful.
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