The Relationship Between Gymnastics and Scoliosis


Gymnasts and the Possible Development of Scoliosis

Being a gymnast can be a wonderful thing for any limber and active individual. It involves the participation of a sport that’s all about coordination, agility and flexibility. If you’re a gymnast, then you may spend a lot of time taking part in floor exercises. You may devote a significant amount of energy to balance beams, uneven bars, parallel bars, horizontal bars and more, too. Some people wonder whether gymnasts are more prone to a condition by the name of scoliosis. Scoliosis athletes sometimes question whether this sport was or is a causal factor in their situations.

What exactly is scoliosis, anyway? Scoliosis refers to lateral spine curvature that is atypical. If you have sideways spine curvature, then you most likely have the condition. It typically happens when youngsters grow rapidly prior to hitting their puberty years. Scoliosis that’s intense and extreme can lead to a lot of pain. It can in some cases be highly disruptive to peoples’ day-to-day existences.

Gymnasts and Scoliosis Risk

It’s critical to note that there are no actual sports that independently bring on scoliosis in the first place. The reality is, however, that there are various motions that can in some cases intensify problems. Recreational gymnastics for the most part are thought to be safe. Note, though, that regularly going forward with sophisticated gymnast moves for extended stretches of time daily may be quite problematic. That’s because it may bring on the development of a curve.

Landings on the ground that are hard can be problematic as well. These are common among gymnasts. They’re common in cheerleaders, too. If a gymnastic lands on a tough surface, that may with the passing of time negatively influence spine curvature, and quite understandably.

Scoliosis athletes who are young are often gymnasts. They’re often swimmers and dancers as well. That’s due to the fact that these kinds of athletes are the ones who routinely lengthen their thoracic spines for all sorts of reasons. The back bend is an example of a move that involves thoracic spine lengthening. If a gymnast does this with great frequency, then it can make the vertebrae turn and move down deep into the opening that is a part of the scoliosis curve. This can in some situations bring on speedy worsening. Athletes who are particularly young should restrict back bends. They should utilize adjusted poses. This isn’t just suitable for gymnasts, either. This is advice that can come in handy for yoga enthusiasts and ballet dancers alike.

Spinal compression is a big concern among people who think about scoliosis athletes. This compression can be the result of the previously mentioned aggressive landings on the floor. Spinal compression takes place whenever kids run, leap or even step to the front. If a kid frequently participates in motions that apply a lot of tension onto the spine, it can gradually intensify scoliosis and all of its consequences.

Parents should understand that concerns about scoliosis should not discourage their youngsters from taking part in sports at all. There have been many athletes who possess spinal curves. They’ve been able to attain a lot in their specific arenas, too.

Should People Who Have Scoliosis Abandon Their Gymnastics Aspirations?

It isn’t unheard of for kids who are gymnasts to find out from doctors that they have scoliosis. Their parents often wonder whether they should allow them to continue pursuing the recreational activity. If a child receives an official scoliosis diagnosis from a reputable doctor, then his or her parents may want to think things through carefully. Severe range of motion can in some situations make scoliosis worse. People who have scoliosis are often advised to maintain spines that are as straight as possible. Doing so may help minimize their odds of intensifying their situations.

Some people believe that physical activity can actually lower the possibility of scoliosis progression. That’s precisely why parents should seek professional guidance prior to making any final decisions that relate to their children and participation in the sport. It may just be a case-by-case situation. No two gymnasts are exactly the same. They don’t have the exact same scoliosis factors, either.

Scoliosis Treatment Avenues

If a gymnast gets a scoliosis diagnosis, she should think about her treatment options. Scoliosis treatment options vary based on the individual patient requirements. If an individual has a case of scoliosis that’s particularly intense, then spinal fusion surgery may be optimal. Braces treatment is yet another option.

The vast majority of youngsters who have scoliosis are equipped with curves that are comparatively subtle. They often do not require any type of surgical intervention. Only a doctor can determine which scoliosis treatment option is ideal for a gymnast or for anyone else.

Possible Indications of Scoliosis

People who participate in gymnastics frequently may constantly live in fear of noticing signs of scoliosis. It can help for people to be attentive to any clues that something may be amiss in the spine department. If an individual has scoliosis, then her shoulders may be far from level. She may have a single hip that protrudes. She may have a single shoulder that protrudes noticeably, too. Some scoliosis indications are straightforward as can be. If an individual has the condition, she may simply have a spine that has a noticeable and prominent curve to it. She may tilt her body without even realizing it. She may don apparel that doesn’t fit her body in the correct manner. Her waist may have an appearance that’s nowhere close to even.

Reach Out to Capable Physiotherapists in Singapore

Physiotherapy may be helpful to gymnasts who are looking to take on issues with scoliosis. If you have any concerns that involve gymnastics and scoliosis development, then you should reach out to our team as soon as possible for guidance that relates to physiotherapy and similar specialties. Give our clinic a call at any time to find out more about our diverse and helpful scoliosis management pathways. We can answer any and all of your scoliosis questions here.


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