
Showing posts from February, 2021

Can Scoliosis affect running?

Many people have Scoliosis, a curvature of the spine. Often, it is a genetic condition that presents itself with a variety of symptoms, everything from pain to limited motion can be an indication of Scoliosis. In most cases, Scoliosis treatment for mild cases does not require a brace. However, in women, the condition can be degenerative as they get older. Even so, this unusual curvature of the spine does not have to stop you from running or jogging. What is Scoliosis? Scoliosis has an unknown origin, but most medical experts believe that genetics plays a critical role in the condition. When someone has Scoliosis it causes either a lateral curve which is a c-shape or two lateral curves that make an s-shape. The spine also has a rotation to it in people who suffer from this. These curves in the spine seem to appear while very young, but the condition worsens with age. So people who had no symptoms may experience symptoms later in life. In more severe cases, doctors often use some ty...

Running with Scoliosis

There is a way that the spinal cord should curve but in some people it bends more than usual. Viewed from the back, a normal spine looks straight but in people with Scoliosis theirs looks C or S shaped on an X-ray machine. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with this disease you must be worried about many things. Top among your concerns must be running with Scoliosis. This is especially true for budding athletes who are now faced with this issue. Can one still run and do other athletic activities with Scoliosis? Find out all the answers you need. Causes, Signs and Symptoms According to the Children’s Hospitals of Philadelphia , 2 to 3 percent of the population is affected by Scoliosis. This means that it affects millions of people. In most cases, there is no known cause and it is referred to as Idiopathic Scoliosis. Genetics and gender (girls are more affected) seem to be risk factors. This disease is mainly diagnosed in childhood between the ages of 10 and 18. The doctor wil...

Scoliosis in runners participating in Running

What is scoliosis? Scoliosis is a sideways curve of the spine. It may also be a twist or rotated with the ribs pulled with it and distorting the shape of the chest. It occurs most often during rapid spurts of growth during adolescence. Though some conditions seem to cause scoliosis, the cause in most cases is not known. Cases seem to have their origin in congenital scoliosis. Those which result from birth defects. Most will show up as the more common idiopathic scoliosis during adolescence. So, there may be a reason for congenital scoliosis being less common. There is not always an obvious spinal curvature at birth. The defects may go undetected until the curved spine begins to show. This may be until the adolescent years. So, adolescent scoliosis may be the later outcome of a problem less obvious at birth. Effects of Scoliosis on life and living Runners with scoliosis have an abnormal curve of the spine. Your spine has a normal curve viewed from your side but should be straight i...

Everything You Need to Know About Swimming with Scoliosis

Being diagnosed with Scoliosis can be confusing. You do not know what you can and what you cannot do. What is this disease? It is characterized by the spinal cord having an s or c-shaped curve when viewed from the back using an x ray machine (instead of being straight). Its onset is at young ages being mainly diagnosed in childhood or adolescence. In most cases, there is no known cause and it is referred to as idiopathic. Read more and find out what some known causes are and more information on this disease. Treatment Options After your diagnosis, the immediate thing you should do is to look for Scoliosis treatment options. What are these? Your doctor will explain the options you have. The ideal choice will depend on the severity of the disease. In mild cases, all the doctor may prescribe is frequent checkup to see if the angle of curvature is increasing. If the angle does not increase with time, there may be no treatment needed. If the angle keeps increasing and in advanced cases...

Swimming as Exercise for Scoliosis

In early pubescence, some children develop a condition called scoliosis, a curvature of the spine. This curve could take on the shape of a C or an S and may range from mild to severe. Measured in degrees, you would consider a mild curve in single digits, while a severe curve refers to one measuring 20 degrees or greater. The condition can affect an individual’s ability to walk and run. If the spine curves so that the ribs press into the lungs, the individual can experience breathing difficulties. Since this disease develops during the growth spurts just before puberty, many countries have implemented in-school screenings in the late grammar school grades to catch its development early. Early treatment can reduce or eliminate the curvature in mild cases and limit it to more severe ones. About three percent of the population has received a diagnosis of scoliosis. Many doctors recommend exercise as a part of scoliosis treatment, and they prescribe specific activities. These include sit...

The Benefits of Swimming With Scoliosis

Scoliosis is an unnatural curve in the spine that affects countless people across the globe. The vertebrae can take the shape of an S or a C. Severity ranges from being mild to very harsh. Children and young adults begin to see symptoms in their teenage years. Worse forms of this malady can create breathing trouble and deformities. You must seek out treatment for any level of scoliosis, as the illness progresses over time. Managing the problem earlier on can prevent the unwanted consequences of neglect. Many afflicted with the ailment have resigned themselves to believing there is not much they can do to fix their curve. Of course, some surgeries can help to correct bends in the spine, but they cannot completely cure the issue. It is a common myth that scoliosis sufferers should avoid exercise. On the contrary, exercise can be a wonderful workout for your curved spine granted it does not become too strenuous. It is time to take back your confidence! You can do everything that the wo...

Ballet And Scoliosis

Experiencing scoliosis as a ballet dancer can make it difficult to conduct camber or arabesque movements without causing so much pain in the back. If you currently have scoliosis, then you are aware of the nagging discomfort that can occur. Being able to strengthen your core with conditioning can easily provide more support to the individual’s spine while lowering the pain. Although the curvature is not the most comfortable condition to have, implementing a good physical therapy routine will allow you to get back to enjoying life again. Unfortunately, it can be congenital, or can occur while children are growing up. The best way to know if your child develops it is by having their spine checked as they grow. Checking as early as possible and detecting it can also make it easier to reverse. Unfortunately, if it goes undetected, an abnormal curve in the spine may develop. If it gets unmanageable, then surgery may be required in order to fuse the spine. Early detection is key when it ...